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What is acupuncture?

Acupuncture is an ancient healing modality used in Traditional Chinese Medicine where very thin needles are inserted into specific points in the body. It is used to treat many imbalances in the body that lead to diseases and disorders by focusing on addressing the body's Qi* flow through the energetic channels or meridians that correlate to these acupuncture points (~2000). This overall energetic flow is what dictates the body's overall health.


Each acupuncture point does something different, and choosing specific points will help target healing in the body. Where Qi stops flowing, disease is coming. Acupuncture aims at healing the whole body naturally by treating the root cause, not bandaids! 


Although an ancient practice, over the last hundred years more scientific evidence has been published to prove that it actually works! 


*Qi pronounced "Chee"

Learn more about this powerful
Eastern Medicine healing modality 

People bring their pets for acupuncture most commonly for: 


- Musculoskeletal pain and injuries (ACL tears, fractures, limping, back pain and arthritis)

- Neuropathic pain and injuries (IVDD "slipped discs", degenerative myelopathy, hindlimb paralysis)

- Chronic skin conditions (ear infections, allergies)

- Immunodeficiency disorder

- Cancer 

- Internal medicine disorders 



Book an Appointment

See the healing for yourself. Whether in your home or at Peace Love Vet's Zen Den in Lewisburg, PA. Packages not applicable for at-home sessions. Available for all animal species including horses and exotics. 

Choose your pricing plan

  • Starter Package of 4

    Starter package for new acupuncture clients with 4 sessions, then a customized plan will be created
    • Acupuncture Healing Session
  • Committed Member - Package of 6

    For members who are committed and looking for a better package deal. Best for "oil change" clients.
    • Acupuncture Healing Session
  • Furever Patient - Package of 8

    For our furever patient. If looking for more contact to set up individualized plan.
    • Acupuncture Healing Session
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