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Equine Acupuncture Treatment

45 min
115 US dollars
Customer's Place

Service Description

Acupuncture for horses! Many horses as they age or if working hard get stiff and succumb to lameness issues. With how big horses are, they need to have all their limbs working properly or unfortunately many are euthanized. They also tend to have sore backs, especially withers from being ridden often. Acupuncture can be a great way to keep them moving smoothly in their younger and older years. Rate below is per horse, if you are a barn and want multiple horses done we offer a barn discount. Reach out for more info on multiple horse discounts and package deals as pricing is slightly different for these larger patients. Many of these sessions include pulse-electromagnetic therapy with an Assisi loop during the acupuncture at no additional cost, and is configured within the price set below. Location varies on availability, if 15 miles from Selinsgrove or Lewisburg please schedule but otherwise reach out if able to accommodate.

Contact Details

15 Stein Ln, Lewisburg, PA, USA

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